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Simon Chiu

A software developer's thoughts, stories and ideas.

  1. A new word to describe me

    I’m currently reading Michelle Obama’s biography Becoming and a word I’d never come across before caught my attention, fastidious. …

  2. Simple steps to drastically reduce your webpack bundle size

    Have you ever got so bogged down churning out features for your product and completely forgotten about performance? This happened to me recently and I’m embarassed to say the bundle.js reached an epic 3.2mb. It only occurred to me when I was navigating to my site on a 3G connection that it was so excruciatingly slow. …

  3. Deleting all tags in git

    I recently mirrored a git repo as opposed to forking it. Unfortunately this meant that I was left with the tedious task of removing all the unwanted tags. Fortunately there are a couple of neat commands out there that will do this for you. …